Showing posts with label public executions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label public executions. Show all posts

Wednesday 27 October 2021


         How much longer will we tolerate our lives being shackled to the rigid dictates of a state. Dictates formulated by the rich and powerful to protect their wealth and privileges. Dictates enforced by the state's paid thugs, who see killing as part and parcel of their remit, sanctioned by the state and upheld by its hand pick judiciary. Death at the hands of the police is not a rare event but happens in country after country and with a sickening regularity. It is a very rare event if one of these state funded thugs involved in the killing of a citizen is ever brought to face the consequences of their callous savagery.
       Greece like other countries is no stranger to public executions by the police and once again its citizens are witness to another killing on their streets by the paid thugs of the state. 
The following from Enough is Enough:
        In a neighbourhood like Perama, which for decades has known the murder of workers in the sweatshops of the N / E shipowners, state bullets, the killing of an unarmed child, we have brought the war to outside the courtyards of the houses of the Neoktista (Newly built district), a stone’s throw from the cauldrons of death.
       On the night of Friday, October 22, after a chase that started in Thebes and was to end in Perama, the cops killed a 20-year-old Roma man and seriously wounded a 16-year-old boy, after firing shots in bursts. The sheriffs of each Theodorikakos ( minister of citizen protection) did not hesitate to empty their guns among the courtyards and it was purely a matter of luck that the families of the surrounding houses did not receive bullets.
        This cold-blooded execution is not a sudden event, but it is part of a series of escalating incidents of state violence against anyone who does not comply with the dictates of the doctrine that determines who is “delinquent” and who is not. The current line of “zero tolerance” in persecution is not an isolated part of the overall repression by the state, but faces society at a time when everything that goes beyond control and surveillance is declared illegal, from demonstrations and strikes, to movement in public space and the self-determination of our bodies.
       The ever-increasing “criminalization” of our lives and the legitimization of state murders will not stop anywhere but will continue in every aspect of social life, if we do not stop it. Here, we have to say that the prosecution authorities and judicial mechanisms are “notorious”, together with their accomplices of the media who cover up hired killers. A state that launders paedophiles is the same state that kills and eliminates the childhood of life and, ultimately, life itself.
       But life is reborn and finds its way where there is resistance through solidarity and rebellion, whatever shatters the dystopia of state and capital. We oppose our will for struggle and freedom, overcoming all social divisions. We are in conflict with democratic illusions and the murderous state.


And from Act For Freedom Now:

         The answer to every state assassination and state repression should be fire.
         As an initial reaction we chose to reflexively attack the peaceful aristocrats of the northern suburbs because the repression is class and so are state assassinations.
via: athens.indymedia
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Saturday 10 June 2017

UK, Defender Of --What??

       The UK establishment always spout how they are the defenders of freedom and human rights, but words are cheap, and actions always speak louder than words. So I suppose we should look at how the UK interacts with other countries, who it chooses as its friends, and who it chooses as its enemies. One of our dear friends and staunch allies is that citadel to medieval barbarism, Saudi Arabia. A country that still carries out pubic be-headings, public floggings, and stoning to death, where women are denied all accepted 21st. century rights, the right to drive, to go into mixed company unaccompanied, where if she is raped and reports it, she will in all probability, be charged with having sex outside marriage, and is likely to have a public flogging. At the head of this barbaric blot on the face of humanity, is a cabal of unbelievably rich religious fundamentalist fanatics, blind to compassion and anything resembling human rights, but an eye for making money and gathering power around themselves.  So the UK in its defence of human rights sells this cesspool of religious extremists, billions of pounds worth of military hardware, sends in special military advisers to assist them in retaining and expanding their power. I think you have to admit, it kind of blots the UK's human rights mantra.
       Now let's look at one of the UK's enemies, one that the UK played a major part in destroying, Libya. I am not, and never have been, a cheer leader for Gaddafi, but he did carry out a program of social benefits that would shock must people who read about them. Libya was a country of free health care, free electricity,  and interest free loans. Mothers received the equivalent of $5,000 for every child born, on getting married each couple were give the equivalent of $ 50,000 to find a home. Naturally, the UK as one of the world's defenders of human rights and of freedom, saw this abomination, and in a welling up of good will to all men, had to step in and destroy such a misuse of wealth. Now that Libya is a land of tribal feuds, blood letting, religious extremism, and dire poverty, the UK pumps up its chest with pride and points to Libya as a success story.

     As I keep saying, don't listen to their words, look at their actions.
Photos courtesy of arrezafe. 
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Wednesday 4 March 2015

Brutal State Murder By A Friendly Nation.

      The West has gone to war on numerous occasions under the pretext that they were removing an unacceptable tyrant, recently Saddam and Gaddaffi, to mention just two. We were told that they treated their citizens brutally, and we are going to "free" the people.
      However there are extremely brutal regimes that indulge in the most barbaric and horrendous state murders and yet the West is silent, and even honours and anoints them with the highest of hospitality at the highest offices in the land.
    The quote below is of an event ordered and sanctioned by the highest in the land, in that "friendly" nation Saudi Arabia, and that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, will let it pass without as much as a ripple of disapproval.
Photo of a women being beheaded in Saudi Arabia for sorcery. 
     I have edited it slightly for translation purposes only, this from Arrezafe:
      The Saudi authorities beheaded, on Monday a Burmese woman, in compliance with the judgement rendered against her, for allegedly murdering her sister, a girl of seven years, as reported by Saudi media. A recording of the beheaded woman, identified as Laila Bint Abdul Muttalib Basim, has been released on the internet.
       In the shocking document, you hear her shout, “I did not kill, I did not kill”, while at least four policemen dragged her into the middle of the street, where an executioner was waiting to behead her. She uttered a shriek moments before the executioner's sword fell on her neck. According to Saudi media, it took up to three strokes with the cutlass to sever the neck of the woman.
Read the full article HERE:
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