Showing posts with label privilege. Show all posts
Showing posts with label privilege. Show all posts

Thursday 5 June 2014

A Grotesque Display Of Pomp And Power.


 UK democracy at work.

      Those who, for some reason or other, don't see this society as a class structured, class ridden entity, surely changed their minds after seeing the grotesque display of privilege and power, they call "The Queen's Speech". We saw the parade of monarchical power being escorted through the streets of London, flanked by military symbolism. Then we had this so called democratic government, sitting in awe, listening to an old woman steeped in heredity power and wealth, telling them what "Her" government will do. Her continued reference to "My government", was not a slip of the tongue, but a deliberate statement to reinforce where the power really lies in this country. The very way the The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption are set up follows this pattern. You have "the Commons" and the "Lords", while sitting at the head of that lot of pompous privilege, we have "The Monarch". She signs off their bills, and gives their legislation the stamp of approval. You'll look long and hard to find a dictionary that puts such a structure under the heading of "Democracy".

 An honest display of the UK power structure.

       All that pomp and ceremony is paid for by you and me, the gold encrusted coach, the fancy jewel festooned crown, extremely large gold covered throne, all the military trimmings, do you honestly believe that it is all to show that we live in a democracy, or is it more a display to let you know your place in this medieval class structure? I think it does the latter very well, we are on the outside looking in at the power that rules our lives. We could of course change all this and create a real democracy, but that would mean you and I taking control, and making all the decisions that matter in our lives, rather than abdicating our power to a bunch of privileged parasites.

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Tuesday 22 April 2014

Charity Is No Answer To Poverty.

Is it possible for a shaking can to eliminate the poverty?


Day and daily the cry goes up
cans are shaken beneath your nose,
give generously, help fill their cup,
but anybody that can think, knows
our poverty is deeper than the pocket.

Poor, struggling to create a life
as privilege shuts the door,
feeling the thrust of poverty's knife
cut right to the core,
they know, poverty's deeper than the pocket.

Rich, no desire to arrest
this Tammany that purloins by stealth,
potential, opportunity, by poverty oppressed,
inequality, injustice, privilege tied to wealth
ensure, poverty's deeper than the pocket.

Prince's fund, charity shop,
gala evening for some "GOOD" cause,
smiling patronage from the top,
egos washed in loud applause
all to conceal, poverty's deeper than the pocket.

We don't want your charity
patronisingly given from plundered gold
accrued by endless barbarity
from a system where dignity is sold:
you're the reason, poverty's deeper than the pocket.

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Wednesday 4 December 2013

This Society Of Parasites And Privilege.

      It says a lot about the class divided elitist system we, in this country live under, when three lads from the same year, at the same posh, very expensive school, end up at the same time, with three of the most powerful jobs in the country. All members of the arsehole Bullingdon Club for arrogant parasites. As far as the working class are concerned they are also three of the most dangerous men in the country. Groomed at the establishment's sausage factory, Cambridge, to protect their own and their millionaire friend's wealth, they are slotted in to positions of power. 


      I suppose if the working class were to put out a most wanted poster, then No.1 most dangerous man in the country would be George Gideon Oliver Osborne, son of Sir Peter Osborne 17th Baronet, and heir to the title. He lives in his padded bubble of privilege and wealth, oblivious of the troubles and problems of the ordinary people and ruthlessly carries out the dictates of his rich bankster buddies. The establishment has tasked him with the job of removing all wealth from the public sector to the private sector and to prepare the British working class for entry to the sweatshop economy. He does his job with an arrogance and relish. I suppose you could put murderer on that wanted poster, as in his drive to satisfy his billionaire bankster friends, he has introduced policies that increase poverty and deprivation, and in that poisonous cocktail, death lurks and strikes.
      I'm not suggesting for one minute that we should replace this dangerous, arrogant, pompous, privileged parasite, with a more caring compassionate individual. That would make little or no difference what so ever, the corporate beast and the banksters would still be pulling the strings. The public assets would still be plundered and the public wealth sent up to their already fat overflowing coffers.
       No, it's the system that stinks, the elitist profit driven system of exploitation and privilege, that needs to be sorted out. Not changed, just simply scrapped. Capitalism can't be made fair, it can't be made caring, it is first and foremost a system of the few getting rich on the backs of the many, and the gap between rich and poor will always grow. I'm sure you can think of a better way to run our society than handing power and control over our lives to a bunch of pampered parasites from a wealthy privileged background. 

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Saturday 3 November 2012


     After our millionaire Prime Minister Cameron, spouted his ridiculous statement about "spreading privilege" I thought this article would be a good read.

This from The Anarchist federation:

A Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis of Privilege Theory – from the Women's Caucus.

Aims and definitions

      The purpose of this paper is to outline a class struggle anarchist analysis of Privilege Theory. Many of us feel “privilege” is a useful term for discussing oppressions that go beyond economic class. It can help us to understand how these oppressions affect our social relations and the intersections of our struggles within the economic working class. It is written by members of the women’s caucus of the Anarchist Federation. It does not represent all our views and is part of an ongoing discussion within the federation.
       What do we mean – and what do we not mean – by privilege? Privilege implies that wherever there is a system of oppression (such as capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, heteronormativity) there is an oppressed group and also a privileged group, who benefit from the oppressions that this system puts in place1. The privileged group do not have to be active supporters of the system of oppression, or even aware of it, in order to benefit from it. They benefit from being viewed as the norm, and providing for their needs being seen as what is naturally done, while the oppressed group is considered the “other”, and their needs are “special considerations”. Sometimes the privileged group benefits from the system in obvious, material ways, such as when women are expected to do most or all of the housework, and male partners benefit from their unpaid labour. At other times the benefits are more subtle and invisible, and involve certain pressures being taken off a privileged group and focused on others, for example black and Asian youths being 28% more likely to be stopped and searched by the police than white youths2.
      The point here is not that police harassment doesn’t happen to white youths, or that being working class or a white European immigrant doesn’t also mean you’re more likely to face harassment; the point is that a disproportionate number of black and Asian people are targeted in comparison to white people, and the result of this is that, if you are carrying drugs, and you are white, then all other things being equal you are much more likely to get away with it than if you were black. In the UK, white people are also less likely to be arrested or jailed, or to be the victim of a personal crime3. Black people currently face even greater unemployment in the UK than they do in the USA4
      The point of quoting this is not to suggest we want a society in which people of all races and ethnicities face equal disadvantage – we want to create a society in which nobody faces these disadvantages. But part of getting there is acknowledging how systems of oppression work, which means recognising that, if black and ethnic minority groups are more likely to face these disadvantages, then by simple maths white people are less likely to face them, and that means they have an advantage, a privilege, including the privilege of not needing to be aware of the extent of the problem.
Read the full article HERE:

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 6 June 2012


           Well you have to admit, when it comes to spending money in a big way the Jubilee takes the biscuit. What a lavish pouring out of public money to titillate the egos of our lords and masters. No expense spared, heads of state from across the world, banquets, and luncheons fit for a queen, probably as many troops playing at pomp and circumstance, parading up and down central London as we have in Afghanistan. However at the other end, there's money to be made. It seems that a stewarding company called Close Protection UK had a contract to help steward this lavish event, but when it comes to the wages of the stewards, well it wasn't quite no expense spared. For the event this company took on 80 unemployed, under the governments apprentice scheme, 50 were under 25 and paid £2:60 an hour, the other 30 either accepted the same rate or refused payment as it would adversely affect their benefit money. Now that's a good deal if your a business. It was a 14 hour shift with no access to toilets during their shift, they were brought in by bus from Plymouth, Bath and Bristol, dumped in the middle of the night in London with no shelter.

I'm not over dressed for this little do, am I?

         Compare this treatment of “Her Majesty's Loyal Subjects” with the treatment of all those millionaire/billionaire parasites being pampered at our expense. It was a glorious display of what this society is all about, wealth and power separated from the adoring poverty stricken hordes. It was displayed for all the world to see, Britain is still a wonderfully class divided society, a great place if your a millionaire and a place in the adoring crowd if your not.

ann arky's home.

Friday 27 January 2012


          It seems he's at it again, our shiny faced, multi-millionaire Prime Minister Cameron, is talking about the need for a caring, compassionate capitalism, his verbal diarrhoea also includes such crap like moral markets. I wonder if he will start with his friends in the banking world, after all he comes from a long line of bankers, his father was a stockbroker, so he has influence there. We are all aware of how caring and compassionate are our bankers and stockbrokers. This man can stand in front of cameras and spout about caring capitalism and moral markets, being aware that his ancestors made their fortunes from naked, raw, brutal capitalism, ripping-off the ordinary people. When was the era of caring capitalism, when have we lived with moral markets, that he keeps referring to? While doing his damnedest to pass himself of as an ordinary guy, this smooth over privileged public school product, sits on a fortune that stretches back to his parasite ancestor King William IV. It is said that this ordinary guy left university and walked into a Tory job after a mystery caller from Buckingham Palace recommended him. His background is littered with Sirs, Baronets, Earls, and Viscountesses, and his fortune has grown because of the harsh exploitative capitalism that he supports through his policies as Prime Minister. You can rest assured that any caring, compassion or morality he pushes for, will be to the benefit of his rich privileged parasitical friends, not for the benefit of the likes of you and I.

"And my ancestors will call for caring capitalism."

       This "cry from the heart" for that illusion, caring capitalism, is a true reflection of his hypocrisy and cynicism. He can't possible believe in caring capitalism, he lives in luxury off the back of, and is up to his armpits in, the most brutal and exploitative economic system ever devised by man. It also shows how he believes that the general public are a bunch of fools and will swallow this shit of the caring capitalism. This guy is awash in privilege and luxury because of injustice and exploitation, and he will do everything in his power to make sure that it stays that way.

Friday 29 April 2011


       I thought I might get through the week without mentioning IT, but I just couldn't keep my mouth shut. Here we are, putting on one of the most spectacular displays of privilege, a display of parasitical living, all paid for by tax payers, and beaming it all over the globe. What we are saying to the world is, this is Britain in the 21st century. However it is a lie, it is not Britain, it is a glimpse of a slice of the upper crust, the pampered elite, the parasites. Britain today is a country with mass unemployment, children living in poverty, pensioners dying of hypothermia during our cold winters. Britain is a country that can put on a extravaganza that takes your breath away by its sheer opulence, but can't put together a system whereby most young couples can afford their first home as they try to start up on their own. A country where couples struggle to try and give their kids a decent up-bring, let alone a lavish wedding.

    ONE OF US.   
       It was probably the biggest, most lavish display of privilege and unearned wealth seen on the planet, from a country that is fighting a war in Afghanistan, supporting a war in Libya, while cutting education, health care, disability benefits, and the social fabric of society, well that part of society where the real people live. This is a display that says Britain is a very rich country, but we don't want to spend it on the ordinary people. It says, Britain is a country of centuries of kings and queens with super wealth at the pinnacle of society, and has still failed miserably to create any semblance of equal opportunity or hint of fairness.
ann arky's home.

Monday 14 February 2011


        I’m not suggesting that handing bundles of money to political parties will buy you influence, but since millionaire spiv, Cameron, became leader of the Tory party the city gents have handed the party a little slush pot of £11.4m a year. A mere 10 City gents have very kindly given the Tory party £13.2m over the last five years. David Rowland, ex party treasurer, 40 years a tax exile, gave the party £4m+ over the last 4 years, while Stanley Fink, hedge fund spiv, gave approximately a more modest £2m. Fink, by the way, is now a peer. Mind you, I’m not saying ---

Saturday 20 November 2010


      The millionaire cabal at the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption are always spouting about how everything they do is fair. Their austerity cuts that will throw another million on the dole, is in their way of thinking, fair. A freeze on public sector pay, while the top banksters and other financial over lords reap massive bonuses, is fair. So with these standards of fairness it is no surprise to see that the fair plans for the House of Corruption is to reduce the elected Commons from 650 members to 600 while at the same time they have just announced an extra 54 new members to the Lords bring them up to approximately 750. A little closer look at those 54 new unelected Lords and we find that 43 of them are supports of the millionaires coalition, loading the dice would you say? Of course as we would expect from the millionaire's fairness team most of that 54 unelected over privileged mob, are wealthy donors to the three main parties. Fund us and we will see you fixed up with a wee peerage and all the privileges that go along with the grand title.
       A system of privilege and complete unfairness is the only way to sum of this system of rule by parasites. Millionaires discussing with their millionaire friends in the corporate world about how to carve up the assets of this country to their advantage. Every change that they are implementing will bring lasting hardship to the poorest and most vulnerable in our society and profit the the corporate world. The ordinary people will have to take the pain as the millionaires set about changing society away from any semblance of a welfare system to a free market corporate society. They plan to change society into nothing more than a profit making organisation with the people having no control over any aspect of that society.
      Don't be fooled by the budget blurb and the deficit crap, these are only the excuse to push their ideological agenda. We are told that the UK debt is out of control while the clever Germans are getting it right, but the UK debt in percentage of GDP is approximately 76% while in Germany it is approximately 75% but ours requires a total destruction of the welfare system. The only philosophical answer to that analysis is “bullshit”.
ann arky's home.