Showing posts with label fuel poverty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fuel poverty. Show all posts

Monday 27 February 2023


                                                  Image courtesy of Glamour.

          It is normal practice for the state to keep asking the people to make sacrifices, Put up with low wages so that we can beat inflation and get the economy growing, accept a crumbling health service because there is not enough money until the economy grows. We the ordinary people are the ones who are told to sacrifice ourselves in capitalism's continuous wars while the rich and powerful organisers and perpetrators of the war sit back and reap the benefits in blood soiled gold. Always pie in the sky, for you and I, never a realisation of that imaginary time when the economy is super producing and all our ills are sorted. Our end of this arrangement is that we continue to struggle for a decent life while the rich get richer. If we have to live a life of continuous sacrifice and struggle because of the economy, then screw the economy. To grow the economy translates into helping big corporate business to get bigger and richer at our expense. We are fed crumbs so that we can get on with growing the economy all to their advantage. Why not put up with sacrifices to bring down this economic insanity and build society based on mutual aid, co-operation, freed from the poison of profit and one that sees to the needs of all our people. Struggle for revolution rather than struggle to grow the economy under its present exploitative rules and structure.
      Capitalism is continuous competition for markets and resources and that competition takes on an ugly and brutal form in wars. War is just a continuation of capitalist competition. Another aspect of capitalism when we, the ordinary people are asked to make the ultimate sacrifice. There is a better way to organise our society, we should make that choice, sacrifice for capitalism, or sacrifice for revolution.

                                              Image courtesy of The Telegraph.

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Thursday 27 October 2022



            Well now you are expected to relax, the new Messiah Sunak is going to steady the ship. Of course he has made a few predications, "there are difficult times ahead", not for him and members of the Posh Club, he means for you and I. Difficult decisions will have to be taken, not for him of course, but certainly for you and I, difficulty is putting it mildly. Energy price is just one of the difficulties facing the ordinary people, but not by the posh mob making the decisions. What they don't broadcast is the wholesale gas prices have fallen the lowest level since June but the price stays high,

         (Dr Craig Lowrey, at data analyst Cornwall Insight (opens in new tab), explains any decline in spot prices will unlikely have a material impact. “Due to the nature of the implied hedging process, any decline in spot prices would be unlikely to have a material impact. This is because we would assume that suppliers would have hedged their consumers’ demand requirements well in advance of this winter. As such, the price of gas and electricity being consumed now is reflective of these longer-term hedges entered into by suppliers - not just the spot price.”) See the gambling casino wins again.

                         Fuel poverty kills more people than road accident, The Mirror.

         What that translates into is that Shell posted £8 billion+ in profits for the previous 13 week period, up more than double for the same period last year. Do you ever get the feeling that you are being deliberately ripped-off, big time?
           Just a thought, if you kill someone in a road accident you will pay the price, so if you kill somebody with fuel poverty, surely you should pay the price.
          While the millionaire club at Westminster decide how difficult it will for you and I, are we going to sit back and take it? Every penny of wealth created in this country is created by those ordinary people who work and those who shop. It is not created by the billionaire/millionaire parasite class. Their wealth is created by pillaging and plundering that wealth that we the ordinary people create. Let's take it all back and create a society of justice, of mutual aid and co-operation between communities, workplaces and distribution centres all freed for the exploitative and cancerous profit motive. A society that sees to the needs of all our people, not one that just sees to those who can pay. We have the numbers, we have the power, all we need is the will to bring down this stinking parasitic, exploitative system of greed.

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Saturday 21 May 2022


          We are facing the worst crush on our standard of living in many a year, a throw back to Victorian times, with all the repercussions that this entails, drastic effects on the health and well being of our children and ourselves, increase in stress and anxiety, an increase in mental health problems also leading to an increase in poverty, destitution and homelessness. We live in one of the richest counties on the planet and our lives are controlled by a rich group of privileged parasites.

                                             Image courtesy of World Socialist Web Site

      We have a Chancellor of the Exchequer who spouts that he understands the hardship the ordinary people are facing, he is lying, he doesn't, he can't possibly know how to juggle with decisions of whether to skip a meal to buy your kid a pair of shoes for the winter, making the decision of whether to turn the heating on or go cold so that you can put food on the table. He lives in a bubble that insulates him from the reality of the ordinary people. This man who states he understands our problems is a multi-millionaire, he and his wife have a personal fortune of around £730 million between them. Last year, his wife, daughter of a billionaire, received approximately £11 million in dividends from her 9% share in her fathers multi-billion pound company. How they can have the audacity to say, they understand our problems, when they don't even know anything about our lives and daily struggles. Two different worlds, one of opulence and excess the other of daily struggle to have a half decent life, with the ever present risk of not making it even to that level.

Image courtesy of The Journal.

       Why do we tolerate this subservience to this bunch of rich, selfish parasites? They need us to make their fortunes for them, we don't need them. We the ordinary people have made everything, distributed everything, but always do it to the dictate of the rich and powerful, all to the advantage of the rich and powerful, why?  

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Saturday 26 February 2022


          The media and our political ballerinas keep telling us that times will be hard. We the ordinary people will struggle to heat our homes, and cook warm meals, It will be difficult to pay for the food to cook, even to eat cold. normal things for the kids will be curtailed considerably as we struggle just to survive in a much more impoverished manner. We will worry about those energy bills that are going through the roof, worry about the things we can no longer put on the dinner table, worry about our rent, our mortgages and paying just to get to work. Of course those who manage this system of insane economics, our Right Honourable PMs, I doubt if any of them will be worried about their energy bills nor will they miss a meal so as to turn on the heating. They are doing all right with their salary of approximately £82,000 plus expenses and cheap meals in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, and in lots of case, making just as much again and in some cases more than their salary from second and third and in some case fourth jobs.

       Another group that are doing very well thank you, are the energy companies. I may be ignorant on this, but I don't think it cost any more today then it was a few weeks ago, to get the oil and the gas out of the ground, but the price per barrel and per therm has rocketed to somewhere in the stratosphere, Shell and BP's combined profits for the year, amounted to £40 billion. Somebody is making a killing at our expense. Of course the energy industry is not the only group that are plundering and pillaging at our expense. Rio Tinto will be handing its investors a neat little bonus of £16.8 billion for year 2021. Barclays more than quadrupled its profit to £1.1 billion.
       So you see, it is not all gloom and doom, if you're in the millionaire/billionaire club, life is looking good. If however you happen to be one of the ordinary people of this country, then are you in for a very rough time friend. Of course it doesn't have to be like this, The reason we are where we are is our obedience to the greed driven insanity of capitalist economics, which over the centuries has kept amassing more and more wealth into fewer and fewer hands, and driving more and more into poverty and destitution. Sick and tired of being the ones who do all the hard work and watch the wealth from that work flow into the hands of the millionaire/billionaire class of parasites. Well sticking to their rules will just perpetuate the insanity of this situation. Non-Serviam, I will not serve, would be a better approach. 

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Monday 27 September 2021



         A comment to my previous post,"Killers" made by Loam, " We should take the coffins of the cold victims and put them at the gates of 10 Downing Street or at Bukingham Palace. I hate the criminal ruling class with all my soul!" is certainly a powerful way of bring home the callous savagery of this state/corporate regime that blights the lives of so many. Of course it is not just the elderly and ill that suffer, fuel poverty blights the lives of so many of our young, living in a damp and cold home strikes at your health, no matter your age. Perhaps for the dignity of those who died because of this unnecessary crime of fuel poverty and respect for their friends and family that might not be possible to carry out Loam's suggestion. However we could make a demonstration of the extent of this callous crime by placing a mock coffin for every individual that dies from the crime of fuel poverty at the gates of 10 Downing Street and outside the Scottish parliament and the headquarters of the large energy companies. Any young organisers out there?? Make no mistake, they need not die, their is sufficient fuel to heat every house adequately, it is all a matter of profit for the pampered, privileged parasites that leech of our sweat and toil, and who callously kill our friends and family. 

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          Which one of your family, friends or neighbours will die unnecessarily this winter? It is estimated that in Scotland this winter, approximately an extra 400 elderly and sick will die because the will not be able to heat their homes properly. Fuel poverty has always been a larger problem the further north you go in this country, Scotland's winters tend to be colder than further south. So this recent astronomic price rise in energy supplies will proportionally kill more Scots than anywhere else in the UK. You have to ask yourself what democratic government would allow this to happen. For years energy companies have been making billions of pounds, shareholders have been reaping fat profits from those companies and CEOs have sorted millions of pounds into their various tax avoidance bank accounts. Yet we let our elderly and sick be killed because they can't heat their homes adequately. I wonder how many energy company CEOs are worried about heating their home, or should I say "homes".

         If ever we needed an example of how callous and brutal this insane capitalist system is, then this surely must be that evidence. To allow someone to sit and simply feel their life slipping away because it is cold and damp in a country that is awash with wealth is an indictment against the entire system of profit before people and against those who manage and perpetuate this cruel insanity, capitalism kills, when will we ever learn.

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