Showing posts with label freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freedom. Show all posts

Friday 28 July 2023



          Those who voice their desire for a fair and free world without borders, and are prepared to take action to further their desires, very often will suffer the full ravages and vengeance of the state apparatus. Brutality, intimidation, and being caged like an animal are some of the state's methods of attempting to create a submissive population. Submission is necessary for control, freedom of expression, justice and fairness can never fit in a governed population. Rules and regulations formulated by those who wish to control the shape of the society we live in, are considered more important than the freedom of the individual. Woe betide those who transgress those rules and regulations in their desire for a free and equal world, they will require and deserve all the support and solidarity we can muster. To the abolition of the state and its prisons.

Words From Comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva
July 16, 2023 


           Dear comrades: as incredible as it may seem to you, I have as yet had neither the desire, nor the ability, nor the will to sit down in front of a machine to (re)-announce my (re)-return to this frenetic world… in any case I have the will to share these brief words.
         Be that as it may, finally the truth prevails, and their gray state officials should have recognized that they have kept me KIDNAPPED for many more years than what their “democratic” laws and rights commonly and ordinarily announce.
        As life and death is a bureaucratic procedure for those who “conquer more than they convince”, when the release order reached its final rung, just like that, they put me suddenly before the doors of one of their prisons. They did not even take the trouble to warn the lawyers, comrades or family of this fact, forcing me to endure 40 interminable minutes standing there like an imbecile until a prisoner let me talk on the phone….
        Anyway, I did not expect the bride and groom of death to apologize, but neither did I expect them to be so vile… the fact is that in the last few months I have lost more than 15 kilos of muscle mass, I will spare you the lurid details of this last attack that has taken more than 3 and a half years to be resolved.
         My daughter and my partner have undoubtedly borne the brunt of this vile revenge, and now these weeks of reunion and healing are for them. To all of you, brother and sister, internationalist and solidarity comrades, goes my revolutionary love.
         Soon we will begin to build and (re)-build our projects and organizational bases to continue our struggle and commitment for all freedoms. Those who have died in action and those who continue to rot in prison for their militant and revolutionary ideas and commitments are always in my heart and mind.
         We will continue the struggle against the state, capital and its mercenaries on all fronts, again and again.
For anarchy and the end of domination!

Translated by Act for freedom now!
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Sunday 4 June 2023



But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing

The caged bird sings
with a fearful trill
of things unknown
but longed for still
and his tune is heard
on the distant hill
for the caged bird
sings of freedom.

Maya Angelou

                                            Image courtesy of Brtiannica.

             Do you "stand on the grave of dreams" long for "Things unknown but longed for still" Do you sing of freedom and a desire to break free from your cage of conventions?
            We all have that burning desire to be free, yet most accept to be caged in the strict confines and dictates of a human devised system of greed and selfishness, shackled to the confines of the financial markets and the parasite class that owns it and controls it to their own advantage. Why?
          That cage can be broken, its bars torn asunder, and that better world for all created. It is up to us, our solidarity and determination to be free to come together in communities and workplaces and take control of our lives and the society in which we live. We are the creators of all the riches of this world, we can and should take control of all those riches to see to the needs of all our people. Let's break that cage of conventions, grasp our freedom and create that better world for all. We owe it to our children and our grandchildren. 
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Wednesday 6 July 2022

By Design?


           The economic hardship that is hitting the ordinary people, more or less across the globe, receives lots of explanations, from pandemic, supply chain break down, to the war in Ukraine and sanctions on Russia. You can take you pick or pick and mix, but are you getting to the heart of the problem? Perhaps we can dismiss all these supposed reason and listen to top US economists and certain government officials, who seem to lay the blame at the workers feet, by stating wages are too high, and there is not enough unemployment. The chair of the Federal Reserve, one very rich, Jerome Powell, has openly stated that inflation is being caused by wages being too high, and economist and former Clinton aid, Larry Summers, claiming that the solution to the inflation problem is to increase unemployment to around 10%. With these guys of the financial Mafia calling the shots, don't expect austerity to disappear any time soon.
         Their answer to the aim of increasing profits is lower wages and increase unemployment. So are we here by design, incompetence by our lords and masters, or the inevitability of living with a greed driven, insane economic system that benefits the few at the expense of the many.
          Do we wish to be pawns in this economic gambling casino of the pampered parasite class. Can we hand this legacy on to our children and grand children? Surely they deserve better than this as their way of life. Their future is in our hands, we can sit back and let the leeches bleed us dry as we struggle from day to day in a perpetual spiral of increasing poverty. Or we can organise within our communities and workplaces to take control of our lives, and shape society to our desires of seeing to the needs of all our people. We have the ability, imagination and numbers to build that better society based on equality, free association, sustainability and mutual aid, a society where the world is our village and its population our brothers and sister, not our competitors.
          An American guy named Jefferson, you may have heard of him, once wrote, "when the government assaults the very liberties it was hired to protect, it is time to alter or abolish it." I would go for abolish as a start.

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Sunday 24 April 2022


         We have created a society, a structure that demands we sell ourselves to someone or something in order to gain sustenance to survive. Work becomes the term used for normality, the desired state to find comfort. In order to have a decent life we look for our slave master, we accept our slavery, or we could find ourselves homeless, destitute. In most cases this work enriches others rather than ourselves and our family. The more we look for and accept work as a means of survival the stronger the power of our slave masters. Until we realise this, we hand a heritage of slavery to our children and our grandchildren. Work is dressed up as good and honourable, the right thing to do, when in fact all it does is strengthen the links on our chains, binds us to an unjust, unequal and insane structure that will, in the end, if allowed to continue, destroy us all and our planet.

      Let’s destroy work, let’s destroy the economy!
         Let’s destroy work, let’s destroy the economy! We are not concerned with the political problems of those who see unemployment as a danger to democracy and order. We do not feel any nostalgia for lost professionalism. We don’t want better wages or the continuation of subsidies. Nor are we for the abolition of work, the discovery of alternative ways of life, or the reduction to the minimum in order to live happily. We want the destruction of a system that makes us beg for the minimum necessary so as not to starve to death.
        We want the destruction of work and this society, of what we do during the day and its continuation that extends until night, a perpetual circle that never seems to end. We refuse to remain prisoners in this prison without bars or walls, but whose objective is exactly the same: resignation to what they tell us to accept, to the bosses’ orders and to the police that protect them and protect what we need to destroy.
        We want the destruction of the rule that makes us continue like this, prisoners of a job that takes all: our time, our energy, our creativity. The destruction of work is above all the destruction of survival, a step into the unknown. Destroying work means attacking, attacking that on which work is based and that which it produces. The attack does not affect profit indirectly, as a strike does, but hits the structure directly, either the means of production or the end product. And the object to be destroyed, although it is property, is also work, because it is something that results from work.
We do not want to be destroyed by capitalism, so capitalism will have to be destroyed by us.
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Saturday 5 February 2022



      I, and many others, have always claimed that this pandemic, irrespective of cause or seriousness of the illness, has been a wonderful opportunity for the state to increase its authoritarian legislation, and tighten its control over our lives. An opportunity that they certainly were not going to let pass. Gathering the population like sheep, training them to wait for their every move to be indicated to them by the shepherd and his dogs. All for our own good of course, but the deed is done, people wait for the next directive, people are split among themselves, vaxxers and non-vaxxers, when we should be focusing on our freedoms and how they have been striped away, how that the state has more data on you and your daily life than it ever had, and of course will use it for its aim of a total submissive population. It is harder to win back that which you have lost than to fight to keep what you have. freedom is ours by right, not a demand we request from others. 

The following "food for thought" from Act For Freedom now:

           In order to “convince” people to be vaccinated, but above all to loyally follow the imposed rules and be obedient, the State through its Governments with the support of its technicians and the media, has terrorized and blackmailed, taken away rights and freedom, threatened, humiliated, denigrated and ridiculed, censored, suspended work, prevented work, divided society in two, nourished the epidemic, pointed the finger, condemned, criminalized, lied, misled, confused, created anxiety and fear. Still before and even worse, it murdered 14 prisoners in March 2020, prisoners who were demanding not to die like mice in a cage by rebelling along with many others.
          The State chose to eradicate the problem by murdering some so that it would be clear to everyone that the so-called emergency phase that was opening up would take on precise connotations. Restrictions on freedom and abundantly spread terror, but with the leitmotif of “everything will be all right”.
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Tuesday 22 June 2021

Killer State.

     Prisons are brutal, savage abominations on the face of humanity, citadels to state repression, they break people, they maim the mind and spirit of those enmeshed in their poisonous tentacles. All of this is known, all of this is meant to happen in these state institutions, cages, where the state deposits those it would term misfits in their society of order, submission and control. They also kill, some die in these institutions against humanity, some years later from the effects. Humanity should bow its head in shame for ever creating such hell holes, but more so for allowing them to exist in the 21st. century. The ashes of prisons will fertilise the freedom of humanity.

           We were shocked and saddened to learn of Cory Cardinal’s death from a suspected overdose this week, so we headed out late on the night of June 12th to paint the walls of our neighbourhood in his memory.
        Cory was a poet, writer, artist, and prison organizer from Sturgeon Lake First Nation. We came to know of him and his work during the Saskatchewan prison hunger strikes in the earlier days of the pandemic, when he acted as an organizer and did media work from inside while participating.
           Cory understood and articulated the connections between the systems of prison and colonialism and he fought, inside and out, to bring them both down.
In Cory’s words:
It is true we have been targeted as Aboriginal men by a racist system. Despite this epidemic of incarceration, our resilient community of modern Aboriginal warriors has survived by will and creative ambition to prevail over many an enemy of poverty, addiction, and racism to find community and belonging and acceptance in this mainstream model of humanity. It is not by our own standards, for we are an oppressed people.
        Our thoughts, solidarity, and love are with his family, friends, and comrades. We’ll continue to direct our rage towards prisons, colonialism, and this world that criminalizes and kills people who use drugs.

Carry Naloxone!


Long Live Cory!

– a couple white anarchists in Montréal
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Tuesday 19 January 2021

The Matrix.

      Hi-tec has defined the way we live our lives and has shaped us to suit that platform. Just as the industrial age shaped us and our culture, so has the screen and the micro-chip shaped the present generation. At least the industrial age was mobile and social to a degree, today's world of micro-chips and screen is becoming more sedentary, less actual social contact. Thousands of friends but never met any more than a handful, all very surreal. A handful of high-tec designers are shaping the world for us, and it is not a pretty world, a world of a fast and furious avalanche of bite sized information. Before you can digest it you are buried under another cascading waterfall of bite sized info. Who are we, where are we, where are we going, who decides?
        Some words of wisdom from Not Buying Anything: 
        Want to get an up to date, accurate assessment of humanity's current state of affairs so you can help change the world? Don't go to social media for answers, that's blue pill stuff.
        The place we need to go is BOOKS, because so many are red pill material. Power brokers know we don't read books much any more, and therefore have not been aggressively censoring them.
      Our attention span has been reduced to the size of a pea, consuming information in smaller and smaller bites, bits, and microbits. It is imposible to get a big picture look at things. They think that if we are confronted by anything longer than a meme or tweet, we will lose concentration and wander off.
       But we can still read books, can't we?
      I am going to give it a go because you never know when they will stage real and/or digital conflagrations to eliminate inconvenient ideas. I am leaving a link to a book that I have been looking at recently, because I am all about taking that red pill and escaping the matrix.
      2021. The Year Humanity Escaped The Matrix, after 6000 long years. 
      Here's the link to a free online copy of Escaping The Matrix: How We The People Can Change The World by Richard Moore.

        "We need a culture based on mutual understanding and cooperation rather than on war and conquest, a culture based on common sense rather than dysfunctional doctrine, on respect for life rather than the pursuit of profit, and on democracy in place of elite rule.
       After six thousand years of domestication, we sheep must finally cast aside our illusions, recognize our condition, and reclaim our identity as free human beings.
        In reclaiming our identities we will also be redefining our cultures."

- Richard Moore
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Saturday 17 October 2020

The State.

         In state after state the repression goes on, according to their philosophy of total control, dissent must be quashed. Sometimes it is an individual that they attempt to silence, other times it groups, some go unnoticed others get some publicity. If it is mainstream media publicity, the chances are that the theme will be that they are terrorists, looters or just violent thugs, demonise the dissenters is the name of the game. Our publicity should be to show them for what they are, individuals and groups struggling to bring an end to this regime of exploitation and total control, those necessary tools for the capitalist economic system to function.
        The case below is from Italy, but pick your state, and you'll find the repression, methods vary, but the aim is always the same, a subservient population, eliminate those who would dare to resist state authority. Solidarity is the weapon that can free us from the yoke of capitalism and the shackles of the state.
This from 325:
      This autumn several prosecutions, which involve hundreds of anarchists, will take place in Italy. In these investigations public prosecutors and judges want to put the anarchist ideal under trial. The attempts to reduce different tensions and practices in various legal schemes, i.e. the hateful and pathetic division between “good” and “bad” anarchism, aim to repress those who fight, making them face decades of imprisonment.
       In a period in which the imposed living conditions are increasingly harsh, it is essential to fight: to respond to the violence of the State, to the regime of oppression that tries to impose, attempting to attack anyone who expresses solidarity with those who have already chosen on which side to stand.
      We will stand, close and complicit with our comrades, and not only in the courtrooms: we call for two weeks of mobilization from the 9th to the 24th of November, as an opportunity to create moments of active solidarity in the streets or wherever we choose to express it.

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Monday 28 September 2020


       For those who might be unsure, thought this was worth sharing, so lifted it straight from ANARCHISM:

Le Monde Libertaire - Officiel

🏴 For a st century anarchism.
By the Black Star - FA group of Allier - via the website of Libertarian Socialism (full text online)

🏴 Anarchists want an egalitarian society of free men and women For anarchists, any government, any state power makes it possible materially to dominate and exploit one part of society by the other. To the way social, government and centralizing life are organized, they are opposed to a self-managerial and federalist mode of organization. Anarchist ideas are distanced both from the reformist views of socialism (who believes it possible to gradually change the unequal foundations of capitalist society through parliamentarism) and from Marxist concepts, especially dictatorship as a revolutionary means.

🏴 "... Anarchism is the requirement to place our lives under the double seal of individual freedom and social equality between these individuals, the refusal to abandon one of these pillars on the other's pretense, and the placing in place of a way of organization of society allowing these goals to continue to be fulfilled.

▶️ Read the whole text:

· See original ·

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Wednesday 12 August 2020


       Squatting is just one gateway to a free society, hence the state's aggressive action against them in an attempt to close them down. Some are open others more secluded, but all serve a different function and for different reasons, helping migrants, local community centres, social/medical centres, etc.
      The following is posted by one particular squat, which has shaped itself around the needs of the group involved, others may grow around the needs of the community where they exist. Squats are organic and should grow and morph around the needs and desires of those involved. The rules change as they grow, but should be founded on co-operation, respect for others, equality among members, and where possible, self sufficiency.

What the Bubble is and what it is not
       The Bubble (Bublina in Czech) is a squat, located on the planet Earth, somewhere on the road between the cities of Aš and Břeclav. These buildings with a yard have been unused by the owner and inhabited by many different people with many various motivations over the years. Some of them left, others have been expelled by the police. Since August 2019, the squat has been occupied by first member of a newly emerging group of residents and supporters, and has been re-named to “Bublina” (The Bubble).

       This first resident has been dealing with housing crisis and lack of space to thrive for quite some time. After a few months, two more people joined who has been on streets since their employer deprived them of financial resources. They moved right before outbreak of Covid- 19 pandemic, which allowed them to self- isolate in quarantine here and survive without health risks. Both of them are elderly, so their health could have been compromised otherwise. These elderly men and middle-aged anarchist soon became accustomed to living together. It is not ideology nor generational struggle which made them cooperate, but their willingness to solve their material conditions and fulfill their other needs by squatting.
      Their situation is quite different to those, often coming from middle-class, who squat for idealistic reasons and squatting is just another adventure for them. Residents of the Bubble simple do not have resources to buy or rent flats and squatting is the only way out. A solution beyond the legal and mainstream norms, nevertheless legitimate and effective. If it weren´t for activities of these residents, there would only be wreck of a building on the spot now, with owner who would not take care of it. Squatters take good care of this house and yard. It is their home now, after all.

       The Bubble is also open for short- term stays of non- permanent residents. At the time of pandemic, a person with mental health issues found a calm spot to heal here. He lived through great personal crisis and gained energy for upcoming important life steps. The Bubble also hosts travellers who cannot afford to pay for accommodation, or simply want to spend their money in more meaningful ways.
      The Bubble operates on non- commercial basis. Food, water and other resources are free of charge here. Everyone can take what they need, and contribute what they can. We hope that Bubble could host social events in the future. If you would like to throw one, contact us.
       If you are aware of location of the Bubble, keep this information confidential. The residents wish to stay anonymous. Although you may know or suspect who are they, keep this information confidential too.
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Thursday 23 July 2020

Their Rules.

       Today, more than ever it is blatantly obvious that freedom is born of struggle, it can never be a gift from some high and mighty authority. The riots and mass protests on the streets of country after country across the world, are testament to this need for struggle to gain our freedom. The following is a wee compilation of a couple of wee articles I wrote some three years ago, what they say may have been obvious back then, but now I believe what they say is irrefutable as the states across the planet create more and more surveillance and militarised policing, and come down harder and harder on those who would dare to protest the state's authority.

        It should be obvious to any observer of the present economic system that rules this world, that it can't be reformed. Capitalism can't be converted into a caring compassionate, system that sees to the needs of all our people. Its basis is self gain based on the exploitation of others, others are there to be profited from, not cared for. So running to a ballot box putting down your mark, against a chosen party disciple, will not bring about the compassionate capitalism you hope for, nor will petitioning the political ballerinas that hold the reins of power because of that ballot paper.
        The creation of that better world for all, must take place outside the rules of capitalism, and outside the legislation of the capitalist minders, the state. The change has to happen among the people, by the people, in their communities and workplaces, in spite of, and in opposition to, the structures created by this enslaving economic system. We have no rules, we create structures and strategies as we develop, our needs will determine the shape of our new society, after we have built a bonfire of all the rules and legislations that bind us as units of profit, and as subservient units of the state.
     Those who confront the injustices of this greed driven capitalist system, openly and head on, often pay a high price. For some the price is their life, others it is being locked up in the various states' cages of repression. All deserve our unending solidarity, if our aim is to build a world of fairness for all our people. The state will not relinquish its authoritarian power willing, it will never offer the people freedom, it will not fade away quietly. It will fiercely attempt to crush all and any flowering of freedom and self determination, it can only survive by our subservience, our freedom and justice can only blossom from its ruins.
       Today's rule book was written by the enemies of freedom, we must tear it up and burn it along with all the other structures of the capitalist system.
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Tuesday 14 July 2020

Viva l'anarchie!

       Emile Henry was Guillotined in Paris on 21st. May 1894. His last words were reputed to be "Courage, comarades! Vive l'anarchie!" (wikipedia) His crime, placing a bomb in a cafe in Paris.
       What drove Emily to carry out this act was his hatred and anger at the corruption, injustice and inequality that he saw all around him in society. All this existing behind an illusion and veneer of the opposite values. This hatred of what he saw and his desire for justice, equality and freedom drove him to desperate acts. Here we are 126 years on from his execution, if Emile could come back and view today's society, what would he think and what actions would he take?
       Today the injustice has been magnified a thousand fold across the globe, avoidable inequality has ran rampant and reached unimaginable levels, corruption is so blatant that it seems to be the accepted way of life. I fear dialogue and debate will never remedy this state of affairs.
Two quotes by Emile Henry from his trial:
       “I had been told that our social institutions were founded on justice and equality; I observed all around me nothing but lies and impostures… I brought with me into the struggle a profound hatred which every day was renewed by the spectacle of this society where everything is base, everything is equivocal, everything is ugly, where everything is an impediment to the outflow of human passions, to the generous impulses of the heart, to the free flight of thought”.
      “You have hanged in Chicago, decapitated in Germany, garotted in Jerez, shot in Barcelona, guillotined in Montbrison and Paris, but what you will never destroy is anarchy. Its roots are too deep. It is born in the heart of a society that is rotting and falling apart. It is a violent reaction against the established order. It represents all the egalitarian and libertarian aspirations that strike out against authority. It is everywhere, which makes it impossible to contain. It will end by killing you”.

Drawing by Phil May, 1894.

Friday 10 July 2020

Sunday 7 July 2019

The Judiciary, The State's Dehumanising Machine.

        Any state's judicial system is a ruthless, inhuman, destroyer, devoid of empathy, that functions solely for the protection of the status-quo, the safeguarding of the power and privileges of those who hold the reins of power. Some states are worse than others, but it is all a matter of degree. The case below is not an exception but just one of the many cases of the degradation of a human being at the hands of the state.
From Act For Freedom Now:

Solidarity with Andreas Krebs
– A summary (Situation July 2019)
July 7, 2019.

There is also an German and Italian version of this text!
       Our friend and companion Andreas is currently imprisoned in Naples (Italy). Since his imprisonment in Germany Andreas has been known as a rebellious prisoner. In April 2019 he was sentenced in Italy to 24 years in jail. In addition, Andreas has recently been diagnosed with kidney cancer. His health is deteriorating and we fear for his life. Actually, he should undergo surgery months ago, but the Italian authorities refuse to transfer him to a hospital.
Andreas was in the clutches of the German judicial machinery for years and he was in jail for a total of 16 years. He is a rebellious prisoner, participated in building the prisoners’ union (GGBO) behind bars, he went on hunger strike several times against the prison conditions and also participated in a solidarity hunger strike for the prisoners in Greece. To date he repeatedly publishes texts against the prison society, in which he describes everyday life in captivity.
       In autumn 2014, after his release, he met his current wife Jutta. Both decided to spend a quiet retirement in the south of Italy. At the end of December 2016 there was a dispute with his former employer, who attacked Andreas and strangled him. Andreas stabbed him in self-defense with a penknife. Sadly, the victim died in the hospital three days later under mysterious circumstances, although it was said shortly after the act that he would survive.
        What followed was an unprecedented hunt against Andreas and Jutta. Jutta received death threats via Facebook while in the Santa Maria Capua Vetere prison he was maltreated and tortured by the family members of the deceased, who are still working in that jail. Since the surveillance video confirmed Andreas’ statement to have defended himself, he came after several days in custody in house arrest. There they were exposed to constant “visits” by the police and hatred from large parts of the population. The family of the victim besieged their home, so that Andreas and Jutta could not go out for weeks. Finally, they felt forced to flee and went back to Germany. There, Andreas was arrested less than half a year later on the basis of a European arrest warrant with the help of the anti-terror unit of the German police. Andreas was back in jail in September 2017.
         In December 2017, he was then completely unexpectedly relocated to the jail in Burg with the participation of masked cops of another anti-terrorist police unit. Andreas repeatedly wrote in letters about the intolerable conditions in the jails in Volkstädt and Burg. In April 2018, Andreas was finally totally overhasty handed over to extradition custody in the jail in Berlin Moabit, finally to be delivered in May 2018 as a German citizen to Italy.
        Andreas is since then in the prison of Secondigliano, one of the largest high security prisons in Naples (Open Street Map). Since May 30, 2018 the trial against him was conducted there. In November 2018, some hearing dates took place, which Andreas’ wife Jutta also attended. In the courtroom, the relatives of the victim tried to assault Jutta and threatened her again massively.
         On April 1st, 2019, the trial ended in the first instance with a sentence of intentional murder of 24 years imprisonment. Andreas was already visibly physically and mentally marked by the conditions of detention in the jails of Volkstedt, Burg and most recently in Berlin-Moabit. Andreas’ critical state of health was systematically ignored and denied. He was repeatedly refused medication, clinical investigations and operations. In addition, his detention conditions were aggravated, since the German police pretends that he has a close relationship to (former) RAF members.
        In Italy, Andreas’s health has improved by no means. On the contrary: Andreas was recently diagnosed with kidney cancer. In recent weeks he had to cope with acute kidney failure. He suffers from very heavy water retention throughout his body, especially in his legs and at times he can not walk anymore. He is still refused a transfer to a hospital and an operation, necessary for months and also promised by the prison management. Andreas is rebellious as usual, is committed to other prisoners and reports repeatedly about the violent everyday life in the jail of Secondigliano, the arbitrariness of the guards, the neglect and undersupply of all prisoners and the racism against African fellow prisoners.
      Andreas is happy about support of every kind! For medicine and reasonably edible food he has to pay himself.
If you want to donate money:
Payee: Krebs
IBAN: DE 90 1005 0000 1067 1474 26
Reference: Spende/Andreas Krebs
        Write Andreas in jail, he is happy about every little postcard. You also can send books, newspapers, magazines or colorful paper, it all will come through. He is very interested in motorcycles and philosophical issues.
Andreas Krebs
Sez. 1 Stz.1
Via Roma Verso Scampia, 250,
Cap 80144 Napoli (NA),
If you want to know more about Andreas, then go to
(in German)
       Call numerously in the German embassy in Italy and demand medical care for the prisoner Andreas Krebs! Anything else is a failure to render assistance!
Mr. Besken (Ambassador) +39649213285
      Let us show to Andreas that he is not forgotten. Solidarity actions of any kind are welcome!
Freedom for all prisoners! Down with all the prisons!
Freedom and luck for Andreas Krebs!
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Wednesday 30 January 2019

There Are Some Anarchists---.

       I post this article in full, knowing it may well cause discussion, argument and even anger, but also may cause some to have a look at, and question their own values. So what is wrong with that?
This from Anarhija:

         There are anarchists who run after uprisings on other continents wherever the spotlights of the media fall. There are anarchists who talk about “fortress Europe” and they don’t even know which States are part of the EU. There are anarchists who struggle against the borders and they don’t even know where the Schengen frontier runs. There are anarchists who, like “good white men”, see in the “dark-skinned” non-EU people potential comrades, and they don’t even notice that there are European non-EU people.
       There are anarchists who talk about internationalism and they don’t even know (or don’t give a fuck) what happens on their own continent. There are anarchists who express solidarity with all prisoners (or all political prisoners), as if the prison is really a correctional facility that automatically turns a human being into a better person (or a comrade/anarchist).
        There are anarchists who think of antifa as their comrades, as if the left-wing/extreme-left movements/parties are the lesser evil in an illusory revolutionary front. There are anarchists who get into the role of victims, just because they are a woman, gay, trans etc.., as if it is not enough to be “simply” a human being to be oppressed by the Power (as if this notion is too tight and therefore it requires some other label to express that someone is more oppressed than others; is it possible that in these times of alienated sexuality where people, including anarchists, obsessively see sexual harassment on every corner, we suppress our femininity/masculinity turning ourselves in a sterile “gender”, in which the democracy is trying to turn us, in accordance with this mechanistic society of mutilated sexuality?).
        There are anarchists who in the 21th century still talk about the “class” struggle (a concept created in 19th century; in fact, marxist), while we live “simply” in a stratified society (like it has always been since civilization). There are anarchists who idolize the “native” people, as if they have already materialized Anarchy (always according to the notion of “the noble savage”), as if the history/time is linear (not circular).
        There are anarchists who say that they seek to decolonize their territory from the State in their struggle for national liberation (“the nation”, this concept born with the modern State), as if the Earth is private property, as if all of us are not colonised by the State. It appears as though anarchists have fetishized the struggle per se, any struggle, regardless of its purpose, background, actors and ideology. So long as there exists any weak minority clashing with a more powerful enemy, it is sure to find attention (and occasionally, fervent support) on the counterinfo sites. It is as if many have forgotten that national liberation struggles are not struggles against power, but struggles for power. (National liberation is an appropriate term for what it is: it is a liberation of the nation, not of human beings).
Likewise, the struggles of native groups do not seek to destroy power, but to take a (greater) share in it. No Kurds, Palestinians, Mapuche, nor any other oppressed ethnic minority or any irredentist/separatist movement seeks to abolish oppression altogether, but merely to abolish oppression against them, so that they may be free to become oppressors themselves and build a national empire of their own, justified by the same myths of ancestry and “the right” to a “fatherland” and to “national self-determination”. These terms are the jargon of the State and have no place on anarchist platforms. All these struggles take place under the cult of the nation-state. How does anyone calling themselves anarchist can find comrades among people reproducing power, authority and submission?
        And there are anarchists who see no problem in being every day watched, registered, filmed…, so they make their own videos/photos to share them online. There are anarchists who use the social networks as if they are places of discussion (with “like”, “followers”, “friends” and all). There are anarchists so devoted to animal liberation, as if anarchy could be achieved (as if by magic) by all becoming vegan, as if liberation is plural, and not just one and total (liberation of the Earth and of everything which composes it).
      “Everything is velocity, moment, instinct. (…) My nature is — opposition; logic — indiscipline; philosophy — subversion” [Janko Polić Kamov, “Sloboda”]
        How do you intend to destroy the existent if you support it with your own struggles? & some comrades
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Saturday 8 December 2018

Remember Our Own.

       A little homage to one I never knew, though I do believe I have met him at some events or other. I am also sure others felt his warmth, while others felt his wrath. I also believe that if we look at the lives of true fighters we find they always leave a path to help those who follow.
      So passes Jay. Militant individualist nihilist anarchist. The biggest crust lord we’ll ever meet. A lover, a fighter. Jay lived a life at the margins, a life which was an all-out war for freedom against the techno-industrial machine that is killing all that they love – wild nature, the wild individual self, and now themself. A fiery Glaswegian, apologising for nothing and bowing to no-one. Jay lived at the Faslane Peace Camp for a time, battling nuclear Armageddon. A vicious squatter and traveller, resisting evictions and was most at home in the moment. A busker, beggar and street-drinker. Site-life road protester. Hitch hiking metal punk, crust, sludge and doom show organiser and frequenter. Guitar, bass and washboard shredder. Tarps, caravans, polyprop, bikes and burners. Courageous hunt saboteur, scourge of the elite.
        During their life on the wild fringes they developed necessary survival skills which they cherished. They loved making benders and shelters, cooking delicious feasts on open fires, prolifically shoplifting and scavenging from the debris of civilisation. They scorned this world that denied their pure wild tendencies and revelled in rupture; sharing spoils with comrades, lovers and friends. As tenacious and feisty as they were, they were also the most loving and kind to those close to them.
       They had a close affinity with non-humans, instantly becoming trusting friends with mistreated and vulnerable dogs, cats and goats. They spent time at FRIEND Animal Sanctuary in Kent, caring for animals rescued from lives of torture. Some of us were privileged to know the tender, soft sides of Jay and be on the receiving end of their care and devotion. Mischievous, hilarious, creative, kind.
         Jay chaos’d over to the mainland in 2016, finding new freedoms. (I who write this am not familiar with their life spent there, and welcome those who know more to edit this piece if they wish.)
          A thinker, a doer. Jay wrote and published zines and pamphlets. Jay acted on their word and unleashed all sorts of radge shit that we will tell around the fires with comrades. Think of these, smile, cry, cheer and fight on with renewed ferocity.
        They lived and died to their word, which was a word of total, indiscriminate and urgent destruction against all that denies freedom, wildness and what they loved. Their war in this realm came to an end in the beautiful land called Galicia in the evening of December 2nd, 2018.
Some words from Jay:
          “Total liberation is my own war, a war that I have fought for years, against every cage, every civilisation, every society, every creed, every ideology and morality. It is a matter of fulfilling my creative-destructive desires. It is misanthropic. It is existentialist. It is striving against all domestication. It is my vengeance for all the years that this prison-society has stolen from me, my vengeance for the destruction and pollution of the natural environment, my vengeance for the nonhumans whose lives I respect more than the life of any “human”.

My total liberation means total war!
War to the bitter end!”

Let the fires burn!
Long live anarchy!
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